Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hall of Fame ? Not Really..

So the first foray of the Sunday Brunch Club was not an unqualified success. The food was forgettable and the service simply awful. But did we enjoy ourselves? I think so. Is the president of the club, i.e. me, going to be impeached? I don't think so. Are we going to Taj Deccan's brunch next Sunday? I hope so. :)

Minutes of the first club meeting :
1. Anant, Mehul, Jaideep and Anmol tried really hard to push for my impeachment followed by a presidential election , but gave up when I convinced them that when an ex-officer becomes president, it is usually for life.
2. Neha made friends with her German exchange student Simon. We like him.
3. Anant had tacos that looked like masala papad and Anurag had a long island iced tea that looked like nothing on earth.
4. Mehul appointed himself the marketing coordinator for the club and Jaideep picked the post of Events Coordinator.
5. The post of Transport coordinator and Treasurer are still open. Our super CA Mehul did not inspire much confidence while splitting the bill..."We're 200 bucks short...who's not paid up?...No wait, we have 500 bucks extra...Who paid more.....?"
6. We had unanimous agreement on never EVER visiting the Hall of Fame again. Nor will we recommend it to anyone we like. But then again, as Neha said ...the place has huge screens and comfortable couches. Not bad for watching matches and drinking beer. Just don't order the tacos.

Next week (or the week after that): Taj Deccan (or someplace else).


  1. I have to say though, the long island BEACH tea (yeah, never heard of it myself either, but its almost *exactly* like LIT ;)) was actually pretty good - strong and tea-ey. What say Anurag?

  2. haha! good post! Looking forward to more! :)

  3. I object! you are alienating your supporters. I never tried to impeach you - as a matter of fact, I even said that the army was clearly on your side.

    Oh, and for the record, we need to include abhishek's comments about the 'Natural, Smooth, Refreshing' Budweiser. :)

    however, i do second that we DID have a good time, iffy food and bad service notwithstanding.


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